Saturday 28 June 2014

Herons' busy day

After a full English breakfast the Cubs were briefed about the many activities planned for the day.

First, up to the woods for shelter building; a competition between each six.  Baloo then had to judge which one he would prefer to sleep in.

This then lead us to use the best of our collected logs to bring back to camp for a campfire later.

A bit of free time mixed with an energetic game of Crounders took us to lunch.

The afternoon saw us kayaking,

Altogether now - 'heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes...'

And archery.

Hot showers before a delicious meal of spaghetti bolognese followed by cake and custard - hungry Cubs eating large portions with virtually nothing left.

A wide game in the woods of Capture the Leader saw us up to a campfire with songs and skits.

Very tired Cubs ready for a good night's sleep.

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