Monday, 27 February 2012


Once again, Monday night meant Heron Cubs trying out a new sport. This time they sampled Volleyball.

It wasn’t just any volleyball though; the Cubs learned how it is played in the Paralympics and attempted it sitting down! It began with practice of shuffling on the ground after a good warm up and it wasn’t long until the Cubs were using balloons as if they were volleyballs.

Each six worked as a team and after some passing practice, they were ready to play each other. The games followed some basic real volleyball rules.

Once more, another fun evening was found on a Monday evening, with each cub one step closer to getting their Fitness Challenge. Thank you to Richard for giving up his time to visit us.

Sunday, 26 February 2012


Shrove Tuesday was coming up, which meant that Herons had their traditional pancake evening. The Cubs used gas stoves, in their sixes, to cook themselves each a delicious pancake.

After that, everyone took part in an inter-six pancake flipping contest. This involved a relay race across the length of the hall in which time each cub had to flip a pancake ten times.

As usual the evening was enjoyed by all.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Home again

The Beavers are home and leaders are home after a busy day. Everyone agreed that the activities were fun, just the right length of time and the Beavers can not wait to try them again.

Well done Stanstead Abbotts for winning the handicraft competition and Badger was surprised and delighted to be presnted with a leaving at gift at the campfire.

More photos are avaialble at our Group website


Who is that leading the song?
As our day draws to a close we gather around the campfire to share in some entertainment with other Beavers from the District before heading home.

Putting our feet up

The Beavers migght well be having a fun packed afternoon, but one of two of them found a way of putting their feet up for a short while!

either in a tunnel
or up the wall.

More fun in the sun

Going for Gold

Nice shot!

...ending the morning

Assault Course

After a busy morning we are now ready for our lunch and an equally exciting and fun packed afternoon.

......still busy.....

Being crafty
Now what theme do you think we are thinking about?

And we are off.....

Picture trail
Craft - Guess what we are making?
The Beavers have arrived and this morning will be involved in craft, a picture trail, the assault course, the rolling rock (climbing wall) and archery.

Beaver activity and skills day

The sun has come out, the leaders have arrived and preparations are taking place. Eveything is looking good for the Beavers arriving in an hours time. It should be a good day.

See you there, in the top half of your uniform and your green and black group scarf.

Don't forget we will be outside for some of the day and so you will need full warm/outdoor/wet weather clothing, including wellington boots, and of course your packed lunch. 

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

A big night for a Lynx Scout

Tonight might be Founder's Day, but for one Lynx Scout it now has an extra meaning!

Renate was awarded her Chief Scout Silver Award - gained in Cubs - but presented to her, by Rama (the Group Scout Leader), at Lynx Scouts due to her having now moved up to the troop.

She was also invested by Barney and so has made her promise and committed to keeping the Scout laws. Hopefully she will consdier working towards her Gold award.

Thank you Renate for being a dedicated member of 3rd Ware and we hope you enjoy Scouts as much as Cubs.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Sunday 4th March

All Cubs are invited to take part in the Annual Founder’s Day Activity Event which will take place on Sunday 4th March.
Registration starts from 9.30am where the Cubs will be put into groups to go round the bases. The activities start at 10.00am and the event finishes at 3.00pm, when Cubs should be collected. This is a fun-day event where all the Cubs in the District get to meet together and we celebrate the life of Baden-Powell.

Cubs need to wear uniform and bring:

·         £3.00 entry fee and permission form

·         Packed lunch and drink, although drinks will be available during the day

·         Money for a collection for a nominated local charity

·         Swimming gear and towel

·         Indoor and outdoor clothes and shoes, including coat, hat & cagoule – all named, please!

·         Named rucksack with everything in!

Please look out for a letter (paper or email) from your leaders. You will need to fill this in and return it. It will also contains more details about the day and where to drop your Cub off. Hope to see you there.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Founder's Day

Please be aware, that the District Cub Founder's day event, may now be held on Sunday 4th March 2012.

This will be instead of the previously advertised date of Sunday 26th February.

Please pencil this date into your diary and we will pass on any firm details, as soon as we have received them, from the District.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Heron Cubs Tonight (6th Feb)

SnowPlease note that Heron Cubs will be running tonight (6th Feb)!

We will be starting at normal time, but finishing 15 minutes earlier.

There are reports that Broadmeads is icy so you may wish not to drive that way.

Sunday, 5 February 2012


Just like much of the country, we had snow last night. The Scouts who met there this morning for another activity, from time to time, took the chance to nip outside and make the most of it.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Christmas Post Donation

This year's Christmas Post Scheme has been a huge success.  We delivered approximately 1000 cards, including those of The Mayor, and raised just over £300 which has been split equally between our three nominated charities, Isabel Hospice, HELPING, and 3rd Ware Scout Group.

The Post Committee were pleased to recently present a cheque for £100 to Isabel Hospice.

Thank you to everyone who was involved in making this work, both delivering, sorting and posting cards.

Look out for us again in 2012.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Virtual Pet

On Wednesday, River Lea was witness to the birth of many creatures! Every Beaver was present and assisted as their own Rock pet emerged. There was much excitement and anticipation.

The Beavers decorated the stones and named them. They were able to have free choice and could match the rock to their own personalities.

Over the next two weeks they will care for these newborns and keep a log of what they have done to satisfy the needs of their little friend. All were looking forward to this task.

The Beavers made a good start by quickly getting fond of their new pet and keeping them safe and happy, at the meeting, by chatting to them and then taking them home safely. Check back in a few weeks time to see what the Beavers and their pets have been doing.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Herons are learning more about foreign cultures and part of their Global Challenge and beginning their Fitness Challenge.

So on Monday, two local GKR Karate Sensei visited and took the Cubs through some of the basics.

They learned a few attacks and blocks before having a go at First Kata; a sequence of moves based around a martial arts scenario.

The Cubs were also treated to a demonstration by the Sensei of a more advanced kata (Empi) and a bout of sparring. The cubs enjoyed the evening, so thankyou to both the Sensei.

There is a GKR Karate session at our own Scout Hut most Saturday mornings from 10:30 - 12:00.